Can air purification technologies kill Covid? C&EN magazine reports.

Great article in C&EN magazine about the growth of air purification systems, the science behind it and why we should address air quality, not just masks and surface cleaning. High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters are the most common approach used to capture airborne SARS-CoV-2, but it’s technology dates back to WW II. Ion solutions are a huge market with varied claims and effectiveness.

Some air purification systems use bipolar ionization, in which high-voltage electrodes create a blizzard of positive and negative ions from molecules in air, such as oxygen and water. Some manufacturers claim that these ions attach to viral particles in the air and weigh them down until they fall to a surface; others claim that the ions react with the virus’s surface proteins, preventing it from infecting cells.

Can needlepoint bipolar Ionization (NBPI) improve indoor air quality?

The experts say it’s critical to not use any solution that generates ozone as even a little bit can have an impact on mobridity. They conclude that air quality is probably improved with some systems, but will not support statements on their reducing risk of SARS Covid-19. For now, the ASHRAE, whose mission is to serve humanity by advancing the arts and sciences of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration and their allied fields, says that “convincing scientifically-rigorous, peer-reviewed studies do not currently exist on this emerging technology”. Just like Covid treatment for people, we may never have convincing scientifically-rigorous, peer-reviewed studies in the near future. The evidence of cleaner air can be measured and can be visualized by air duct particulate levels with before and after testing.

About ESG Safe: ESG Safe offers EPA approved HVAC solutions. ESG Safe businesses sanitizing, environmental improvement and PPE solutions compatible with corporate environmental social governance goals, while improving public safety and our planet. ESG Safe’s lead disinfectant has a Covid kill rate of 60 seconds and is safe for all commercial and residential needs. All products carry the certifications and compliance requirements you need, from FDA Organic to EPA registered. ESG Safe is a Women Business Enterprise, Small Business Enterprise.

ESG Safe is working closely with HVAC industry experts and only offers products that meet their standards of safety and efficacy, in addition to government certifications. One of our lead products is potentially a game changer for maintenance and air quality for commercial, institutional and residential needs. Contact us for the latest products.

About ESG Safe: ESG Safe offers businesses sanitizing, environmental improvement and PPE solutions compatible with corporate environmental social governance goals, while improving public safety and our planet. ESG Safe’s lead disinfectant has a Covid kill rate of 60 seconds and is safe for all commercial and residential needs. All products carry the certifications and compliance requirements you need, from FDA Organic to EPA registered. ESG Safe is a Women Business Enterprise, Small Business Enterprise.
